Initial Disclosures

How to navigate and understand the disclosures detailing your mortgage application.

Resources > Mortgage Manual > Initial Disclosures

After submitting your official mortgage application, signing your Initial Disclosure Package is the next step to keep your loan application moving. Within 3 days of receiving your application the lender will deliver the Initial Disclosure Package to you. These disclosures outline the terms of the mortgage and contain both federal and state-required mortgage disclosures. While the number of disclosures can be overwhelming the primary goal is to protect you, as the borrower. By signing the disclosures you are not committing yourself to the lender (i.e., they are not binding), but you are giving your permission for the lender to begin processing and underwriting.

Please note that these disclosures are preliminary and are not meant to convey the final terms and details, but they will give you a realistic look at what you can expect in terms of costs and monthly payments. 

This section will provide overviews of how to interpret some of these disclosures as well as provide context as to why they need to be signed. Check out the articles below to learn more about your Initial Disclosure Package.

Articles within this section

In the articles below, you’ll find breakdowns of a few different disclosures, how to access and sign them, why we need them signed, and common questions that surface as you prepare to sign.